Thursday, September 13, 2012

What we do represents who we are..

   Someone wise once said that we give people power over us by our reactions to their actions.....

               When I was younger I remember watching the television and seeing people dragging people out of cars and beating them. I remember seeing people destroying businesses and stealing things from stores. I remember the anger and outrage in their faces. I remember the fear that was in the air. I remember the way our country was turning on one another.. the way we viewed each other differently after this...

                  A group of Police Officers had pulled over a man who had been driving drunk, The alcohol had him behaving in a manner that was not respectful. This group of Police officers choose to beat this man instead of handling the situation in a responsible manner. There were words said that should not have been said..words that were hateful. The actions of these Police Officers were wrong, The Man who was drinking and driving was wrong in his actions. What came as a result of this was destruction, Hate and death. Innocent people were murdered. Businesses were looted and destroyed. There was a hate that filled the air across our country. Outrage and anger are not bad emotions. They are feelings we feel when something happens that pulls at our heart..When we see wrong or in justice caused by others we get emotional. It is human.

               However what we do with these emotions is what matters... How we react and respond is in our control. We may not have control over other's actions but we do over our own. We choose to give someone else Power over us when we react out of anger. What is our message when we cause destruction out of anger? What is our message when we cause harm to innocent people out of anger?  There are people who will do mean spirited things against others...People who will slander others.... People who will commit acts that anger us or saddened us... How do you respond to such people? How do you take control of your emotions?

    One person's actions  are now causing devastation and destruction across the world. One person who wanted to evoke hate has done what he has set out to do. How? Because we have allowed him this power... We have given this despicable man the power he has sought. We have feed into his anger and hate. Instead of  joining together and showing this lowlife that he is wrong he is being proven right. Instead of speaking out against him and his message people are turning on each other... causing destruction and death to people who have done no wrong.

      Many may wonder why I am so outspoken on this...
               I am an American who is trying to do good in a country far away from mine. I am someone who wants to make a difference..Someone who has a love for a country that others do not see as I do. Ambassador Stevens was very much like myself... and he was murdered because why? I am not responsible for the bad choices others make. I am not the source of the slanderous things that are done from my country and neither are other Americans... It goes the same for every Country. We are only accountable for what we do. If our Country does wrong, it is not the common man who is the is the Government that is. If there are hateful people in a country who do things that breed hate it is that person who is a racist and Anti person not the Country.

               Every day we have  people that  say un-kind words to us, speak against our beliefs, speak down on what we believe in or who we  are....... Do we hurt them? No. Do we start to destroy things out of anger? No.  Do we take our anger with one person out on others? No.   There is a way to speak out against wrong. There is a way to make your voice heard. There is a way to use the anger and outrage one feels for good. But is much easier to let our emotions lead us... Much easier to cause mayhem and destruction.

Someday I hope that this will change, That we will see there are other ways and use them. When I look at my children I want the way I have lived my life to be their example for how they live theirs. I want how I have treated others to be their example. I want better for my children, just as my parents wanted for me but wanting a better world doesn't make it better does it? So what do we do? Do we just watch others do wrong or will be the ones who Do?


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